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21 noviembre 2011 1 21 /11 /noviembre /2011 05:37

represion cuba[1]
November 20, 2011
During the week of November 14 – 20, the Cuban regime continued its escalating pattern of committing cruel, inhumane and degrading acts against all those who dissent in the island. The following are some human rights activists who were targeted by Cuban repressive forces:
November 14 – Eastern Cuba (city of Contramaestre) -  A protest in the streets took place where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was distributed and activists of UMPACU ( Union Patriotica Cubana), among them JORGE CERVANTES, who cried out “Long Live Human Rights” were brutally beaten, arrested and released the following day.
November 16 – Eastern Cuba (city of Guantanamo) – Protest demanding the release of human rights defender, NIORVIS RIVERA GUERRA, (member of the Resistance and Democracy Movement) and all Cuban political prisoners, ended with a violent ” act of repudiation” by pro government mobs that lasted all afternoon and into the night against the home of OSVALLEMI GRANT GUERRA. As a result two dissidents were injured.
November 18 – Eastern Cuba (city of Palmarito de Cauto) – Following four days of classes on strategies of non violent resistance that were given by the ex-Cuban political prisoner of conscience, LIBRADO LINARES, a father and his son: ROGELIO TABIO LOPEZ and ROGELIO TABIO RAMIREZ were violently detained as they were on their way back home to the city of Guantanamo. Several other activists were also attacked as they returned to their hometowns.
November 18 – Eastern Cuba (city of Palma Soriano) – Seven activists and two family members of PEDRO CAMPO ALMENARES were all violently attacked by authorities when they demanded his release in front of the Unit of the Political Police in Palma Soriano. (Campo Almenares is confined in the Prison of Aguadores since November 16, 2011 for protesting police repression.
November 19 – Eastern Cuba (city of Contramaestre) – A police operation to prevent the assistance to Mass of the Ladies in White, led to the arrest of two of them and their husbands: MAYELIN DE LA O MONTERO and YARISEL FIGUEREDO VALDES, as well as ALEXANDER ALDANA and JULIO CESAR PEGA. Amanda, the eight-year old daughter of Mayelin, spent hours crying for her mother in front of the police station until an agent took her to the home of a neighbor.
November 19 – Havana – MARIA ELENA MIR MARRERO, Secretary general of the CONIC (National Independent Workers Confederation of Cuba) was arrested in her house and released hours later. Independent journalist JULIO CEDEÑO NEGRIN also arrested alongside 2 other activists near Havana’s Central Park.
Since Raul Castro took over power in Cuba in 2006, the island’s political police: Rapid Response Brigades, paramilitary units, State Security agents, and pro government mobs are escalating their ongoing repressive acts against peaceful human rights defenders. As these prodemocracy activists throughout the island seek to assemble, organize and express themselves peacefully they, as well as their family members, are subjected to systematic physical and mental mistreatment.
The Coalition of Cuban-American Women, alerts the international community that the lives of those members of Cuban civil society who are actively and publicly struggling for freedom and peace are in danger. International recognition of the peaceful resistance and solidarity for these activists is crucial.  We make an urgent call on religious, civic, political, and cultural entities and its leaders, as well as to non-governmental human rights organizations worldwide.
Coalition of Cuban-American Women – Laida A. Carro / Joseito76@aol.com
FURTHER INFORMATION IN CUBA: José Daniel Ferrer - + 53 53631267 / Belkis Cantillo - + 53 53790867 /
/ Jorge Cervantes - +53 53791610

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